A hearty and healthy lentil soup with grilled paprika and fragrant spices. Perfect for a cozy dinner.
A delightful vegan kapsalon featuring roasted sweet potatoes, vegan chicken pieces, and fresh vegetables, all topped with a tangy soy yogurt sauce.
A savory chickpea pancake recipe with fried vegetables, perfect for breakfast, brunch, or a light lunch. Customize it with your favorite toppings.
Loaded smashed potato salad with a Spanish twist, featuring crispy smashed baby potatoes with a rich ajvar-based salsa bravas dressing.
A delicious and healthy vegan chocolate mousse made from tofu, sweetened with dates, and enriched with cocoa and vegan protein powder.
Chili con Karma: A flavorful, vegan twist on chili con carne. Rich in beans, vegetables and spices. Good for you, the planet and full of Mexican tradition!
Find out how to make an irresistible vegan triple chocolate cake in 10 minutes with just 5 simple ingredients, perfect for any o...
A recipe for a vegan cream cheese sandwich like you might remember from La Place or V&D. But this one is completely without anim...
Have you ever tried roasted and spiced chickpeas from the oven or airfryer? With a delicious crunch, this is the ultimate additi...
Discover the delicious taste of vegan ranch dressing. Learn how to make this creamy, dairy-free dressing that is perfect for salads, dipping and more.
Try this simple vegan recipe for vegetarian chicken ketjap with vegetables from the oven. A delicious and easy dish packed with flavor, perfect for any day!
Delicious! A simple vegetarian Mexican bowl. Packed with beans, fresh vegetables and spices, this simple recipe brings the best ...
A recipe for a funky bread with curry, onion and thyme. Aromatic, fragrant and deliciously savory. Super delicious for with drin...
Ever heard of Tepache? A refreshing fermented drink from Mexico made from pineapple peel. A perfect recipe to make something del...
Discover how to make a traditional Japanese dish, Okonomiyaki, vegan and high in protein. Enjoy the irresistible mix of savory f...
A delicious recipe for a refreshing crushed Cucumber Salad! A delicious vegan and simple side dish with an Asian twist! Rich in ...
Do you feel like emptying your fridge or for example some goodies you can easily take with you too? Frittata from chickpea flour is the tip!
A deliciously special Mexican dish. A spicy sauce pipian with fresh kidney beans and smashed oyster mushroom with a bite. A grea...